12 Temmuz 2011 Salı

Counties distances in our province are as follows: Area: 6904 Km Altitude: 1400 M. Cizre: 46 Km. Silopi: 75 Km. Idil: 75 Km. Uludere: 50 Km. Beytüssebap: 111 Km. Güçlükonak: 83 km long. HISTORY: It has a history of the former province of Sirnak on the 17th-century clerk Çelebi in his "Travels" by the book's dates back to before the great flood of Noah. According to this legend of Noah's ark in the height of 2089 meters within the boundaries of our city dating back to the top of the Cudi Mountain, where it is claimed. Our city is 45 people per square Km in the fall.

Our city's population constitutes a large part of the Kurdish population. There are a small number of population in the Syrian town of Idil. In our province, because of climatic conditions and mountainous terrain, the settlements are a very messy and very inconvenient. Because of frequent terrorist attacks in the local people had to leave the small settlements. Mining livelihood of our city, border trade, the small tradesman and partly livestock.
The main target of the people of Southeastern Anatolia Region by raising income levels and living standards, to eliminate disparities between this region and other regions, in rural areas by increasing productivity and employment, social stability and economic growth to contribute to national development targets, such as the GAP project, a multi-sectoral, dealt with the concept of an integrated and sustainable development of a regional development project. The project area is one of the world's oldest centers of civilization, the Tigris and Euphrates basin covers 9 provinces in the plains of Mesopotamia and up (Adiyaman, Batman,

Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa and Sirnak). Regional, cultural and social structure has a heterojon. The last two decades, particularly as a result of the effects of GAP practices, social relations in the region, the family institution, individual and group behavior, rural-urban relations, established links with the outside of the visible world there is a change. Throughout the region, however, tribal, etc. landlord. Depending on the traditional structure of thought, behavior, values ​​and judgments, and social relations, a qualitative change in the speed and direction of development is negatively affected.
Sirnak, 18 May 1990 on the stage of history by becoming the province is on the agenda for the second time. Hz. Nuh (AS) have been founded by the pre-Flood Cizre, is being built by the sons of Noah and the second time in Sirnak was built as a summer and spring. Noah and his sons, two-three months of the year to avoid the heat of angry Cizre spent in Sirnak. According to some histories şırnak word "CITY OF NOAH" is derived from the diagnosis. Guti, Babylonians, Medes, Assyrians, Persians, the Islamic empire of the Sassanid, Umayyad, Abbasid periods, depending on the province of Siirt, Sirnak Cizre while connected to the Republican era has become a town. şırnak many civilizations established in the territory, the first use of the land of wheat, wheel, and is used where the text has been home to the civilizations.
Southeastern Anatolia Region, located in the eastern end of Sirnak, on May 18, 1990, Siirt, Sirnak and Güçlükonak; Mardin's idyll, Cizre and Silopi, was the province of Hakkari by Uludere and Beytussebap settlements. 19800-year flood event with a history of the Mount Cudi in Sirnak province borders noktalandığından from all the peoples of the world is the cradle of Sirnak and Cizre. Hz. Cizre fact that the tomb of Noah, to be in the form of vessel walls Cizre, also 44 great books for the duration of the Qur'an al-Qur'an Hud Flood-Noah's ark stopped on Mount Cudi writes verse clearly. Hz. Nuh (AS) have been founded by the pre-Flood Cizre. Noah and his sons by a second time, and summer cottage was built during the construction of Sirnak. According to some histories şırnak word "CITY OF NOAH" said derived from the diagnosis.
Women in general wear fistan (kirtle), and Bell-Bottoms Rule uzanır.Genel to the ankles as velvet, fabric or other valuable Cemcem called dikilir.Göğüs some light on imported fabrics and worn in the front off the bottom part of the Braided and colorful fabric pieces attached to the tip of the size of peas giyilir.Yine a vest adorned with worn down, and rent expense, a long lever attached to the bottom of a skirt levendiler, fistan sarılır.Bele ankles over the arm of the continent called the beginning of a long thin gauze fabric bağlanır.Kadınlar bağlarlar.Kıtan fistolarla süslenir.Bundan beads and other so-called tülbentte ornamental stones of various gold-framed on the chest, called takarlar.Kulaklarına bergahar, throat connected to each other earrings, necklaces and other jewelry takarlar.Burunlarına called tetreme or Selecting the uses hızma takarlar.Kadınların hicol, serkezi, hırhal there are other charms.

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